Florida Medicaid HMO's, please help me!!!:help:
I do not know about Healthease or Staywell but if you can choose Medicaid's United Health Care HMO I can tell you they cover 100%. It took my about 7 weeks to get my approval from the time my surgeon requested it and I was operated on 11 days later on April 13th of this year....Keep your head up I have heard of several people being successful through Medicaid just don't give up....A little hint.....I was not getting much info from Medicaid and so I began calling around to find out who accepts what insurance you will find that the surgeons deal so much with the insurance the staff can generally provide you with the steps you need to follow for your particular insurance.....ALSO I could not find many surgeons and hospitals willing to take Medicaid and found it very frustrating but don't give up.....look into the teaching hosppitals (hospitals near Med schools).....Jackson Memorial in Miami.....Shands in Gainesville......Tampa General (my hospital) are three I know accept it.....Shands opens and closes accepting Medicaid patients you just have to keep calling.....Jackson had a waiting list when I looked into it.....Tampa General was continuallly accepting new Medicaid patients when I found them.....there are more hospitals I know but those are the three I looked into just remember if you are not having luck locating anybody look around med schools!!! GOOD LUCK and STAY STRONG!!! ***By the way I have been told that yes they are covering reconstructive as well but you need 6 months of documented problems from excess skin such as rashes so it becomes medically necessary***