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on 6/4/12 4:39 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Have a consultation booked with Dr. Sampath but uneasy about surgery
On June 4, 2012 at 7:25 PM Pacific Time, prplady wrote:
Hi ... I think you need to do more research .. here is a good place.. read the boards that are specific to the different surgeries... that way you can see wht people are saying about them..

I have had the Sleeve and am very happy with the results

as far as eating .. I can eat pretty much anything I want.. I just cant have large amounts of it..

works for me..... I am only 7 months out .. so time will tell

you have to find which surgery is best for you


for sure

best to find out all you can about all of the surgeries to make the best decison for YOU!

   The secretary told me to read about the surgeries and choose which one I'm interested in. I'm neutral about all of them so I'm going to go into the office with knowledge of the surgeries but not set on one or the other. Whichever one the doctor recommends and is a bit less risky for me is the one I'll decide on.

 I've already spent many months researching the surgeries. I've taken the testimony of previous patients with a grain of salt though. I've been reading either glowing reports of how the surgery was complication-free and that it was the best thing they've ever done and then I've read page after page of people saying the surgery almost killed them and they spent years battling infections. There's an awful lot of websites that I've stumbled upon that seem like their goal is to scare the heck out of people; showing images of how stomachs look with staples in them, how fast you age after losing weight, "eat diary free and you won't be fat anymore!" messages everywhere posted by people *****ally shouldn't be posting those messages...  

I'm happy to say the image of the staples was nothing new to me. I've seen a lot worse in my own body.  

My body works a bit differently than the average person (genetic disorder that makes everything smaller) so I think the only true facts I can get are from the doctor. I also have to ask some more serious questions that I really hope he can answer. My thyroid isn't working either (my levels are too low) but my family doctor refuses to do anything about it until I show complete signs of thyroid failure. Maybe Dr. Sampath can push for treatment since it is connected to weight issues.  Anyways, I guess I'll just wait to see Dr. Sampath and go from there :) 
on 6/4/12 4:07 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Have a consultation booked with Dr. Sampath but uneasy about surgery
 Thank you for the kind words Karen. My plan is to talk with Dr. Sampath and not rush into things. I have a list of questions already being down. The list is like a mile long but I really want to make sure I don't forget anything :)

Heather Q.
on 6/4/12 12:52 pm - Vancouver, Canada
VSG on 04/10/12
Topic: RE: Questions...
Hi Mermaid,

Welcome to the forum! I'm relatively new here myself and the veterans are often the best source of info; however, I think I can answer these questions easily.

1. Yes, MSP does cover the RnY and the VSG but not the lap band.

2. If you have MSP you can be covered but must have a recommendation from your bariatric surgeon.

3. To see a bariatric surgeon, you must get recommended by your GP, he/she sends in the referral and the surgeon's office contacts you to set up a consultation.

4. Wait time varies, depends on the surgeon. My surgeon is Dr Nguyen and he's partnered with Dr. Sampath out of Richmond. My doctor has a waiting list of at least a year, just for a consult. ( That's what I heard, last time I was there, however, that may be incorrect.)

Hope this answers a few of your questions, and never be concerned about asking anything. We're here to help you too.

Best wishes.  Heather
on 6/4/12 12:37 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Topic: RE: Questions...
 Th ks so much, that helps a lot.
on 6/4/12 12:30 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Questions...
1.Does MSP cover this fully?

YES if you qualify

2. What does it take to get covered if above is yes?

You have to see the Surgeon and I think it is have a bmi over 40 or 35 with other health issues.

3. How do you get an appt with a bariatric surgeon?

You have your Dr refer you to

4. What are wait times like in B.C.?

They vary... but the sooner you get in the program the better...

I had my surgery in less than a year

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 6/4/12 12:25 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Have a consultation booked with Dr. Sampath but uneasy about surgery
Hi ... I think you need to do more research .. here is a good place.. read the boards that are specific to the different surgeries... that way you can see wht people are saying about them..

I have had the Sleeve and am very happy with the results

as far as eating .. I can eat pretty much anything I want.. I just cant have large amounts of it..

works for me..... I am only 7 months out .. so time will tell

you have to find which surgery is best for you


for sure

best to find out all you can about all of the surgeries to make the best decison for YOU!

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 6/4/12 12:17 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Vancouver WLS Support Meeting
YES  you are very welcome to attend.. the meetings are for anyone and everyone interested in Weight loss surgery.. some are post op and some are pre op.. and some are support people

you do not need to bring anything cept your smile...

sometimes they haave themes and ask people to bring stuff if they have and want to share,, but if so it would be  included in the reminder message

hope you go and have a good time

I was hoping to make it ,,

but it doesnt look like I can make it this time

has a listing of all the meetings in the province.. I think

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 6/4/12 12:03 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: 6 month update
Thanks everyone!!

Oh I almost forgot... I seen Dr Ahmed tooo and

NO MORE Sleep apnea!!!!

so happy about that!!!

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 6/4/12 8:32 am - Vancouver, Canada
Topic: Questions...
Hey everyone I am spending a lot of time considering getting a RnY and I have lots of questions, but I am hacing trouble finding some answers and was wonder if y'all could help me out!

1.Does MSP cover this fully?
2. What does it take to get covered if above is yes?
3. How do you get an appt with a bariatric surgeon?
4. What are wait times like in B.C.?

Thanks to any one who can help me out!! :)
on 6/4/12 7:19 am - Canada
RNY on 03/26/12
Topic: RE: Have a consultation booked with Dr. Sampath but uneasy about surgery

I understand your nervousness and trepidation I think most of us go through that. You should go through with the consultation, Dr. Sampath will go over everything with you, make sure you write down any questions so you don't forget anything. I had the RNY on March 26th and I am not sure who you were speaking to but I am eating solid is only the first 2 weeks after that you are on liquid and then 2 more weeks and you are on "mushy" then it is on solid food after that. It is a fabulous tool, if you are already active this will be a great thing to do.

You have to go through a whole lot of steps before the actual operation, they really want to know if you will make a good candidate for the surgery. Once you make your mind up stick with that decision, I did and I am so glad I did. I never had any complications or infections at all, it was discomfort in the beginning and a huge learning curve on training to eat really different to what I was used to. I will never regret this surgery, I have lost 52 lbs to date and I feel good.

Good luck to you, trust your woman's intuition you'll make the right decision!




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