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This is a little off topic but my grandpeach danced last Sunday and it was his best yet. I got it all of it except the last bit camera memory full. Hope you are blessed by it.
I am looking forward to catching up on all the great sometimes juicy stuff.
PS. I put on a pair of size 8 shorts. All I can say is Thank ya Lord.
PSS. Any suggestions on how to get insurance to pay for these bat capes on my arms
Dr Gibbs has me on 50,000 IU 3 times per week for 6 weeks. Then vit D with my calcium, as I already do and did before surgery.
I was surprised I was low on D.
I'm almost 6 weeks out and still feel tired. Have to make myself walk everyday. But at least I'm not napping twice a day as I was the first couple weeks.
ljc >^..^<
I started Monday......have not had one since Sunday nite sometime. I am addicted to Coke, its the real thing, have a Coke and a smile, I'd like to teach the world to sing....BLAH!!!!!
I am doing one thing at a time.....getting rid of the Cokes....then change my eating. I wont do good if I change everything at once.....I am cold turkey on the substitutes with other colas.....ick.....
well we shall go thru this together.....
hey you coming to the walk???
Tammy.....the one who misses those that shall not be named.....(coke!!!!!!)
Other than that, Mikey and I are going to get the horse trailer out of the paint shop in a bit. I went and ordered decals today, checked on a chain saw, picked up 2 new tires, jeez, my life is one errand after the other.
Im struggling like Tammy to kick carbonation. I dont drink real stuff, I drink diet, but I know that it is not what I hard to kick now that I have discovered I can handle it!! I am a Diet Dr. Pepper a-holic. So, we will start next week, no more carbonation!!! Gotta get these pounds off, and I have adjusted my eating, now its time to adjust my eating!!
Hope all have had a great Wednesday!!
Rhonda D.
I hope you are having a good day......I think about you daily and pray for you and your family. I hope things are getting better as time goes by. If you ever need to talk there is always someone here willing to listen.
Message me when you feel up to it.
Hope you are all doing great! I just wanted to say hello and let you know I am doing ok. I can't remember what all I told you before but I moved to Hot Springs to be closer to my kids. I have two married daughters and five grandkids who come over often. They are like a medicine to my heart right now. My fibromyalgia seems to be worse since I lost my husband...I guess from the stress. I am handling life better I think. Not a day goes by that I don't miss Billy and think about it all but I can tell now that I will be ok. I guess it just takes time and its been less than 4 months since I lost I have hope that it will get better. I appreciate your prayers for my family and me. Thanks to those of you who write and check on me. That means so much. I will try to peek in now and then! Thank you again for being so good to me.
I want to go by myself, but have never found any enjoyment in doing things alone. I want some fun in the sun darnit! Ok oK, fun in the sun doing somthing other then mowing the yard! Maybe I'll go ask the neighbor... lol
I'm out of here to do something, anything. A lot of errands need to be done, job apps to fill out (Yep, still hate where I work) house to clean, yard to mow... but somewhere in there I want just a little time for me.
Have a great day!