update on Caylee Anthony
For those of you that dont know--the remains that were found were hers......like all of America had supected--here is a link that can tell you about it below--bless that childs little soul..
http://www.baynews9.com/content/36/2008/12/19/416758.html?ti tle=Medical+examiner:+Bones+of+small+child+are+Caylee
http://www.baynews9.com/content/36/2008/12/19/416758.html?ti tle=Medical+examiner:+Bones+of+small+child+are+Caylee
Well....I cannot for the LIFE of me understand how a person can carry a baby for 9 months and then not protect that child.
So much lately has disturbed me about parents.
The young boy whose parents handcuffed him in the closet and shot him with rubber pellets and pepper sprayand then claimed it was "discipline". Excuse me???
The children who are killed and maimed or molested daily is so SAD! I just DON'T UNDERSTAND IT!
So much lately has disturbed me about parents.
The young boy whose parents handcuffed him in the closet and shot him with rubber pellets and pepper sprayand then claimed it was "discipline". Excuse me???
The children who are killed and maimed or molested daily is so SAD! I just DON'T UNDERSTAND IT!