Has anyone dealt with Dr. Birch?!
So.... I have finally got my date to see a surgeon and it happens to be Dr. Birch. I am wondering what he is like and how my experiance will be. Anyone care to share?! Greatly appreciated!
This is thus far:
I had my first appointment was on May 2nd that is when I met with my nurse (Jen) she is great! My second appointment on May 22nd I met my dietitian and Dr. Modi. June 11th was my third appointment where I saw my nurse again and met with the physcitirist (totally spelt that wrong) That all went very well they ask you a bunch of standard questions and if all goes well then that is the one and only time you have to see the physc (it is required but everyone is different keep this in mind). Fourth and fifth appointments were July 25 & 26th I saw my nurse, dietitian and Dr. Modi to complete my surgical referral that is when I found out what surgeon I would have. My nest appointment and most nerve wrecking one yet is meeting Dr Birch in 5 and a half weeks.... it's a nail biter!!!!
To be honest I was prepared for 9+ months in this program but feel it is going quite fast which is amazing, I couldn't say better things about the people that work at the clinic they are all very informative for me and have no problem answering any of my questions. The best advice I can give you is finish the modules as soon as you can and also incorporate things you learn into your every day life such as proper portion sizes and choosing the right foods. Also, please ask questions if you're unsure of anything in regards to the program or the changes you are making.
Good luck again on this journey and I am always here if you need a buddy!
I met Dr Birch a month or so ago.
He is great; he went over the options and was willing to give any of the information I needed.
If this is your first meeting with him you will end up in one of the rooms with him and 2 or 3 other people to start. The reason they do this is to go over the information about all the surgeries.
After they have gone through all the general info everyone will go back out to the waiting room and then meet with him one on one.
Be prepared with any questions you have, and be prepared for the one question he will ask at the end, "Are you ready to make your decision?" I will admit that one caught me off guard; I did not think it would be so soon, it felt like I had only been in the clinic for a few months (Was 5 Months).
Good Luck he seems like a great Doctor to me.
They seem to be moving people through the clinics a lot faster now, my first clinic appt was Dec 5, 2011.
I think this is great, as long as they can speed up the surgery dates too....no one likes to hurry up and wait (which is exactly what has happened to me) My waiting time for surgery (from surgeon appt to actual date) will be just as long if not longer than my clinic times...
Dr Birch is great, and yes have all your questions ready to ask. He convinced me to take a little longer off of work than i had originally planned. He asked me just as many questions as I asked him (what did i do for work, will i have people helping me, what will i do if this happens etc) he was great!
The problem is the surgeon does not set your day, the person who schedules the OR does, they only do the surgery on Tuesdays. As well it is an elective surgery, which means if someone is bumped for an emergency, everyone can get bumped.
I would love it if it was as simple as "Here is your date" but I do understand why it can take so long, As well surgeons are just like you and me, they like to take vacations and they tend to do so during the summer when the OR is on a reduced capacity due to support staff taking vacations.