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Topic: RE: Weight gain ARGH
Hi all!
I too experienced a small weight gain. It may be our body's way of getting us to the weight we are supposed to be at.
I ended up going down to 110 pounds, I even saw 109 for a day or two. Now I seem to be sitting at 113-114.
This is all after having plastic surgery.
I went to Costa Rica last November & had a tummy tuck & breast lift with augmentation. I documented some of it in my profile for those that are interested.
Good luck Mark in researching plastics! Remember to research it like crazy! I started with some consults here in Minnesota, took the procedures they recommended & then researched everything.
Topic: RE: Weight gain ARGH
So afr I haven't gained any back, but have been STUCK at the same weight forever~until last week! I hopped on the scales and was down -5 lbs. Like you I am terrified its going to creep back up on me-this terror seems to keep me motivated and makes me walk more
I think being conscious of it all the time helps-and your shoulder surgery slowed you down some...get back on track ASAP and lets stay on the losing side FOR~EVAH!! Mark you look great by the way! Hang in there!
Topic: RE: Threw up foam?
thanks Mark...hate you had to go thru that tho...that sucked! I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy! it hasn't happened again so I'm grateful for THAT...I'm almost afraid to eat now and have gone back to shakes and mushy stuff...
Topic: RE: Weight gain ARGH
Hi Mark. We had surgery the same day. I initially lost about 115#. I too have experienced a slight gain. But I know why. I've cut down on my water, walking, and I can eat waaaayyy more than I think I should be able to. NOT GOOD!! And I find myself "grazing" through out the day. The old habits die hard, it seems. I keep telling myself to get back with the program. We can do it now before it gets too far out of reach. Good luck with the plastics. I see my surgeon on the 24th and we will probably discuss that too. Just hang in there.
Cookie C.
Topic: Weight gain ARGH
Hi all;
anyone experiencing weight gain?? From my 1 year to my 18 month appointment I have gained 6 lbs. Of course; I have been recovering from shoulder surgery so I'm sure that period of inactivity had something to do with it. The doctor said I could also be low on B1 which helps with metoblism (sp??). I'm just nervous as my fear of gaining the weight back seems to be starting. I'm still eating good; small portions but do get hungry and begin snacking. Those pesky voices in my head keep nagging me to eat.
just wondering if anyone else has experienced weight gain?
the one nice thing is that I was told I should check into plastic surgery. now to deal with insurance on that.
thanks for listening.
mark g.
Topic: RE: Goals for May!!
You go girl!!
I'm going to start paying attention to what I need,and what I want
I'm going to increase exercise
Relax more,stop worrying all the time stressing myself out.
Topic: RE: Threw up foam?
yup; I have experienced the same thing. and I attribute mine to the same thing Not chewing food well enough; especially chicken. so; I went to children's size forks and spoons and slowed down on the eating.
mark g.
Topic: Threw up foam?
I finally threw up-yeah, this far out. I'm not sure but I think maybe I didn't chew a bite of chicken well enough last night-because it felt like something was stuck in my chest, and later it moved down but hurt like crazy! For about 4 hours I threw up clear foam, anyone have this happen?
Topic: RE: Bra Issues
I really like Breezies bras on QVC. It's the only underwire I've ever been able to wear and it really holds the "girls" up.
Topic: RE: anyone feeling very tired
Thank you Jessie, for repling on this I see the Dr. Next week and see what he has to say.