Tag Archive: exercise

Exercise-Yuck, No Thanks

November 6, 2023 · 0 comments

Exercise-Yuck, No Thanks: Ever since I was little, I’ve been overweight. I just never knew it until I went to elementary school. At home, Mom & Dad were what they laughingly called, “larger than life”. My older sister was the same. By the time she was 14, I started seeing

Exercise Improves Your Health

How Exercise Improves Your Health Even Without Weight Loss

October 25, 2023 · 0 comments

The relationship between exercise and weight loss is well known, but the benefits of exercise go far beyond shedding pounds. Many benefits of exercise occur without the loss of a single pound. Exercise alone, without regard to weight loss, is a powerful way to improve your mental and physical well-being.

Benefits of Swimming

The Mental and Physical Benefits of Swimming for Weight Loss

December 7, 2022 · 0 comments

Exercising can be difficult at any size for so many different reasons. The benefits of swimming will not only make your weight loss journey a little easier... it will also provide other health benefits. Here you’ll find how swimming can help you lose weight while improving your mental and physical

reasons to move

Good Reasons to Move, Don’t Miss Out On Them!

April 5, 2021 · 0 comments

I first wrote about this topic years ago for my patients in Maine. Since then, I have heard the same questions about the role of exercise time and time again from patients, coworkers, and friends. It is thus the time to revisit our good reasons to move! For many, the

fit without a gym membership

10 Tips To Get Fit Without A Gym Membership

November 20, 2017 · 0 comments

After spending the summer hiking, kayaking, swimming, walking outdoors, and enjoying activities outside, does the thought of taking your workout indoors with the cooler months seem disheartening? Perhaps the thought of having to join a gym comes to mind. Fear not! Your workout does not have to come to an

fitness and what works for you

Figuring Out Fitness and What Works For You

October 4, 2017 · 0 comments

Fitness is such a broad term-- but in general, it refers to the state or condition of being fit and in good health, and especially good physical condition resulting from exercise and proper nutrition. Figuring out fitness and what works for you is important. When it comes to regular exercise, it

10 Ways to Control Your Appetite

10 Ways That You Can Control Your Appetite After Bariatric Surgery

April 12, 2017 · 0 comments

The biggest key to success in any undertaking is self-discipline. Whether your goal is to save $500 each month, learn a new language, or lose 50 pounds, self-control will see you through. However, constant hunger is distracting to even the most disciplined. Literally. Hunger can lead to decreased concentration, light-headedness,

10 Benefits of Cardio and Strength Training

10 Benefits of Cardio and Strength Training

March 27, 2017 · 0 comments

To support your healthy lifestyle, exercise needs to be part of your life not only to lose weight or maintain a weight loss but also to improve your health. Exercise is a mindset that celebrates what your body can do and not as a punishment for a food choice you made or


What is Metabolism and How to Make It Work for Your WLS

February 20, 2017 · 0 comments

Metabolism. We have all heard that word at some point when discussing weight “He can eat whatever he wants; he must have a good metabolism” or “I have a slow metabolism, it doesn’t matter what I eat, I can’t lose weight.” But what is metabolism? How does this affect weight maintenance,

How To Use Exercise To Curb Food Cravings (With Videos!)

January 25, 2017 · 0 comments

To quote the famous comedian, Jim Gaffigan “I only go to the gym to exercise because it’s the ONE PLACE I can go where I don’t eat for 30 minutes.”  How many of us can relate? Sure, going to the gym is amazing but that’s one hour of your day maximum. 

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