sam1am 15 years, 3 months ago

Hey Tracy, I hope it was a breeze and your recovery is even easier! Sam

Stargazer56 15 years, 3 months ago

I'm thinking of you today. You are in excellent hands! Linda x

BrookeK 15 years, 3 months ago

Tracy, What a lovely lady you are. I have enjoyed getting to know you! I just wanted you to know you are in good hands with your revision. I am praying for an uneventful, boring surgery. Continued success with your new tool! Hugs!

swangirl 18 years, 6 months ago

Tracy, just saw your pics on "photo". You have done a fantastic job. Looking great. Congratulations! Linda/BActrac/swangirl Name/CB handle/me post op

PF 19 years, 6 months ago

Best wishes on your upcoming surgery. I hope that your surgery goes smoothly and that your recovery is quick and easy. Please keep us updated after you are home from the hospital. God Bless You!! P

teri S. 19 years, 6 months ago

Your time to shine is almost here. before you know it you will be up and about enjoying your new life. Teri

Wildcat Lady 19 years, 6 months ago

Hey fellow Marcher! Congrats on your upcoming surgery! I wish you a speedy recovery and much success.

Ruth P. 19 years, 6 months ago

Congratulations on your decision to make a positive change in your life. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you good luck, good health and a speedy recovery. I had lap RNY on Febr. 8. I had no real pain and I went back to work early because I felt so good. I hope your experience is as positive!

cajungirl 19 years, 6 months ago

Tracy, congratulations and best wishes on your upcoming surgery. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you begin you journey to a healthly lifestyle. See you on the losing side ~~ Dana

Tammy C. 19 years, 7 months ago

Tracy, Congratulations on your up coming surgery. Wanted you to know that I was thinking about you our prayers are with you. I know this will make a positive change in your life. Before you know it, you will be up and around enjoying your new life. I am thrilled with my results check out my profile for all the weight and inches I have lost in the past 9 months its been wonderful. I am so thankful God has been with me on this journey and I have not had any problems and am thankful for all the support from this site. Surgery Date 5/24/04 Weight 243/158/-85/not at goal 147 but VERY HAPPY!
About Me
Arlington, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 16, 2005
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Before & After
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Taken in Galveston TX 2004
Feb 2006 180lbs -100lbs!

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So this is cool...
